Unboxing: Dungeon Crate’s May box
|We’re pals with the Dungeon Crate guys, but we’re being totally honest: This is great for tabletop players.
If you’re a subscribers, you’ll find miniatures, two adventures, a coin and a bunch of tokens and markers. If you play fantasy RPGs and tabletop games, you know this is all the stuff you use constantly.
Considering what you get in each month’s box, that’s a steal.
Let’s take a look at what’s in May’s crate:
Heroes of High Fantasy: Greenskin Diplomacy adventure
From Nord Games comes this 23-page adventure for any campaign setting and any party level. (No joke: There are monster stat blocks with challenge ratings for three different ranges of levels.) It’s written for D&D’s 5th edition, but you can easily adapt it to anything else.
It starts with an orc warband attacking a town in the dead of night. Adventurers are secretly approached to track down the orcs and find out why they’re attacking. It’s a fun adventure to throw down for a one-off session in between major pieces of a campaign or as the start of a homebrew campaign. Best of all: It can be played in a single session.
Retail price: $6
Silver Dragon miniature
This is awesome. I’ve eyeballed this silver dragon miniature, cast in Reaper’s white plastic Bones material, for awhile. I have a lot of Bones minis, and they’re great. This sculpt in particular is a badass-looking dragon. And you can always use more dragons.
Retail price: $10.99
Baratheon golden dragon coin
I’ve enjoyed the coins from Shire Post Mint included in past Dungeon Crates, but this is the best yet. It’s a full-size gold coin from A Game of Thrones worth 1 gold dragon in Westeros. It’s a pretty coin, and weighty.
Retail price: $14.50
Goblin and Seductress miniatures
From Dungeon Crawler, this pair of minis are usable for just about any RPG campaign. The painted goblin is a feisty looking little thing, and the seductress is a great townsfolk mini (though she’s bare and needs a little paint). I’ve eyeballed their stuff for a long time (especially their amazing kraken), and I’m happy I have a couple in my collection now.
Retail price: $6.50
Condition tokens
These are going to be very useful. If you play D&D’s 5th edition, you need some markers to denote conditions such as paralyzed, poisoned, blinded and charmed. Best of all is the marker for invisible, which is a stand-up, clear acrylic marker you can sub out for a miniature. I need more of these, so I’ll be doing some shopping with Advanced Deployment.
Retail price: $6
Adventure card
Need a quick adventure? Drop this little side quest from Adventure a Week on your players. It’s a quick little dungeon, and it’s fun.
Retail price: $6
These acrylic pieces – Elite Tokens from Broken Egg Games – don’t have usages as specific as the condition tokens above, but they’re useful for spells and for marking maps. It’ll take a little more finagling to figure out exactly how to use them, but they sure are pretty.
Retail price: $6+
Total retail value: About $56, but probably more considering I made some conservative estimates and since you would pay shipping for every single item.
Anyway, this is a great value and this box has a great group of of items. I’ll be using all of them in my games.
What did you think of the box?
I have Dungeon Crate and just received my May Crate and none of this was included in my Crate. Is this from the coming crate for June or does it vary by area?
forgot the comment above. Just saw this was for May 2016. sorry.